Sunday, May 23, 2010

Back to Nana and Frog.

How on earth did we get a Nana and Frog in the family?  Who are they and where did their names come from?  Well I will tell you, but first, have you ever noticed how annoying it is when someone starts talking about one thing and then gets sidetracked?  They start going on and on about a random subject and never get back to the main point.  Well that's not going to happen here?  

Plush Nutsie Brown Squirrel 8"Have you ever seen a squirrel going through the woods, they always look like they know what they're doing but if you watch long enough you get the idea that they are really clueless.  Wandering around until they stumble upon what they are looking for.  You think if they could just focus for a minute they might accomplish something.  Oh well, where was I?  Oh, yes getting wait it was Nana and Frog.

There are many stories about the Genesis of these names in the family, and I have no intention of getting into endless disputes.  I will tell my version, and any family member that would like to dispute the facts can write their own stinkin' blog!  Ha, Ha!  OK, so that was a little over the top, sorry.  

GRANNY   (20oz Coffee Mug)So the whole Nana thing goes back to when my mom first became a Grandmother.  She hated the name Grand mom, Grandmother, Granny, and any other reference that made her feel old.  Unfortunately the title Granny Judy had begun to stick and she really didn't like this.  Mema was taken and there didn't seem to be anything that suited her.

Secretly, I think she was hoping for some sort of cute non-grandmotherly nick name that one of the kids might cling to, like Gaga, or Mamaw, or something unintelligible that sounded cute and defied all spelling rules.   No such luck, she just never got so labelled.

Finally frustrated, she decided to take matters into her own hands and pursue a nickname that met her criteria and that she could retrain the kids to call her.  Unfortunately this search wasn't going so hot either, and frustration was building.  

OK, I am really freaking out here, I just looked over my computer and into the kitchen.  My 15 year old son has emptied out the surprise in and of itself...but he did it so he could clean it.  Either he is in deep trouble, or the fridge had gotten so gross that he had to clean it.  Now I am going to bask in the moment...............bask........Ahh.

More on that later...

So we are visiting the grandparents and my youngest son, who was around 5 at the time, comes into the kitchen with the desire for a banana.  There was a mild explosion where fate met frustration and poor verbal skills collided with hearing loss to give birth to Nana.

For those of you in Rio Linda (as Rush would say) I will explain...Isaac innocently asked for a banana, and it came out nana.  Nana heard it as though he called her by that name and she moved strategically to put an end forever to "Granny Judy."  Of course, my oldest kids, who had grown quite accustomed to "Granny Judy" have never quite let it go.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  See the comments below after my Mom reads this for the various corrections and grammatical errors that will be pointed out.

More on the Frog in my next blog...Hehe, I am such a poetical genius, and humble too.  

So what are a Nana and Frog?

More on that later...

I keep trying to come up with ways to provide a glimpse into my life.  I do not want to say things that would be harmful or derogatory to others.  This poses some difficulty when certain others do some ridiculous things and I want to write about it.

I thought about doing an anonymous blog, or coming up with an alter ego, but I am not sure if I could get anyone to read it if they didn't know the person who is writing it.  I suspect several of my readers only visit the blog out of curiosity to see if I will make an idiot of myself.  That's only compelling motivation for the reader if they know the writer.  

That's like my morbid curiosity concerning a friends blog about a certain book series.  Not that I think he will make an idiot of himself, but if it wasn't for the fact that he is a friend, I would not have any interest in reading his thoughts about these books.  Plus I secretly hope that he will say something that I can use for blackmail purposes later.

I'm just kidding of course but I would enjoy getting something good on him to pick on him about.  You get the idea, there are several challenges to writing a blog that require a certain level of tact and care.

Like this story I know about a guy who is sitting at home after work on a Friday planning on a quiet evening at home to rest and recover from a long week of activity.  His ex-wife is supposed to have the kids for the week-end and he is expecting a little break.

Fortunately, he is a man who has trained himself to manage his expectations when it comes to certain things.  He has prepared himself to be available to care for his children at any and all opportunities, and loves doing it.  So when he is suddenly blessed with the gift of all his children for the evening and the evaporation of the restful evening, he takes it all in stride and enjoys the time he has with his kids.

He is, however, slightly tweaked by the phone call 10 minutes after the dramatic shift in plans that went like this: "You were OK with me leaving the kids with you tonight, right?  I mean, you didn't have plans or anything did you?"

Enough about that friend.  Poor sap managed to get ice cream with his kids, and watch a movie with them.  They set up a fort in the living room too and what a good memory was created, all because he was dedicated to his family.  Wish I could make choices like that!

So, anyway, back to Nana and Frog...I guess I will have to tell you the story of their names next time, this blog is too long already!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Big mistake to let your mom read your blog!

More on that later...

So I am minding my own business and getting along with myself famously.  Along comes this chain of events and circumstances that just wipes me out.  It doesn't help that the chain of events never seems to have an end.  

I tend to invest a great deal of emotional energy into the interactions I have with people.  I am a bit stoic on the surface but I think about the situations and relationships I have a lot and when something is out of joint I feel it in my shoulders.  I think they call that stress.

It is also amazing how many people like to play you.  I have some wonderful friends and commenting and keeping up with them on Facebook is a pleasure and generally lifts my spirits.  Every now and then a discussion thread or series of messages gets stressful.  I genuinely care about people and I care about God's Word.  Sometimes the conflict in what people say, or believe compels me to comment and it isn't always well received.  

Occasionally there is a dispute with a friend of a friend and these are sometimes good opportunities to share the Gospel.  I love that and yet it drains me emotionally too.  Like the tennis match between myself and a satanist on an unbeliever's status.  He got upset with me because I double posted unintentionally, and the conversation went on for about two days.  

On the plus side I got to say some very Biblical things and at least speak up for the Gospel.  Worth while in the end especially if the unbeliever heard something that drew them toward the Lord.  

I think the worst are times when there arises a dispute between believers.  Being highly opinionated and not always curbing my yammering skull cave (props to Dana Carvey/ "Master of Disguise") has gotten me into a tight spot a time or two.  I enjoy speaking about the things I am passionate about but I never want to do damage to relationships and sometimes that means apologizing for stepping on toes.  

Oh, and as for it being a big mistake to let your mom read your blog, her first comment was about my poor grammar in one stinking place!  Don't bother looking for it I already corrected it.  I don't really mean it anyway, I just titled this blog that way to get her to read it again.:p  She also complemented me on it, and I know that was hard since she is concerned about sharing too much information on the net.

I love you Mom!  

Monday, May 17, 2010

OK, so I chose to have five kids!

That's right I chose to have five kids, not so much the number specifically, but the willingness to be so blessed.  Now please don't misunderstand, I do not mean to imply anything negative towards people who have made other choices, or who have been unable to have children of their own.  I know and love people who couldn't have children or because of difficult pregnancies or difficult circumstances, had to stop having children, that is perfectly OK.  People make their choices for a variety of reasons but not all of them are Biblical.

If you want to reference more of my thoughts on having so many children, please read my first Blog .

I think it is notable that I have been criticized a lot over the years in various ways for having so many children.  From the radio celebrity who makes a prejudicial comment on his program about irresponsible people who have too many children, to the self-professed comedian who quips "hey, don't you know what causes that?", to close Christian friends who politely take me aside to share their opinions.  The assumption is always the are irresponsible to have so many children.

Let me say first that, um...duh! of course I know what causes it. As for the irresponsible part, first, I did not create these children, God did.  No decision, action, desire, or even prayer on my part caused these children to be born.  God is the cause of my existence and that of all my children and to Him be all the Glory.  If I could change anything in that regard, I wouldn't.  I am grateful for the children He has granted me and all the challenges they present.

It is also true that no effort on my part will change my financial status...I know, thats down right unAmerican...but it is true.  God grants to me all that I have, and while I am to be responsible and be a good steward of the funds He provides, I cannot force through the raise I would desire.  God must give me favor in the sight of my employer or provide other opportunities to earn money. (and I am not idle.)

It has only been in the last 60 years or so that people have lost this understanding with regards to the sovereignty of God in our economic success and our reproductive success.  Prior to that time people didn't talk about reproductive rights, or making these decisions, and looked to God for provision. People either hoped they got pregnant or hoped they didn't and they generally understood that only abstinence was certain to prevent pregnancy.  People did not try nearly as much to take responsibility over the size of their family or when the children would come, and they adjusted their lifestyle to accommodate the family that God blessed them with.  Not that people didn't have ways to influence these things to a certain extent, but it wasn't like it is today where people seem to have forgotten that God is in control of these things.

If you want children  it is simply a medical problem that can be overcome.  If people don't want children it is simply a medical problem to be addressed.

God's Word is clear about His role in all these things.  See below:

Psalm 127
    1Unless the LORD builds the house,
         They labor in vain who build it;
         Unless the LORD guards the city,
         The watchman keeps awake in vain.
2It is vain for you to rise up early,
         To retire late,
         To eat the bread of painful labors;
         For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.
3Behold, children are a gift of the LORD,
         The fruit of the womb is a reward.
4Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
         So are the children of one's youth.
5How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them;
         They will not be ashamed
         When they speak with their enemies in the gate.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Welcome my loyal Fan!

Hello Friends, I am so excited, I have one follower, and It isn't just me!  Woohoo!  

I am going down a slightly different road with tonight's blog.  Given that the title of this blog is one dad, five kids, and staying sane, i suppose it wouldn't hurt to talk about my daily grind.

No two days are ever alike.  I made the choice when I entered into the process of divorce, three plus years ago, that I would remain dedicated to one thing...I would be my kid's Dad.  Generally speaking I have set aside my personal life so that I am available for my kids whenever they need me.  I do not date, or make plans that do not include them. I also maintain an attitude of peace and happiness when I am blessed with "unexpected" opportunities to spend time with them.

These unexpected times happen often enough that I should expect them...and I do.  Now this would not be possible if it wasn't for the sacrificial time my two oldest daughters grant to the cause.  Financially I could never afford to have a baby sitter on stand-by.  For them it has meant quite a lot of inconvenience, but I have always believed and taught that family is important and love is sacrificial.  That being said, my daughters are real troopers and demonstrate genuine sacrificial love to their siblings.

As a rule, in an effort to compensate for this, I try to get home in the afternoons as soon as possible.  I give my helpers, as much liberty as I am able, and I try to facilitate opportunities for them to enjoy the things they like to do.

Saturday was not terribly restful, I got up late around 8:00am.  I had to go to work so I gave the kids the choice to go with me or stay at the house and get some cleaning done.  A quick bowl of cereal and picking up the house, doing laundry, doing dishes, getting the living room picked up and trading off dishes with Isaac, so I could get several other things done and I was out the 11:30.  

My goal had been to leave around 9:00am and be through around 12 or 1PM.  No big deal, so we would get a later start, we were ready to hit the ground running.  Of course not before making a house payment and having to go to Good Will and buy Isaac (who elected to be my helper) a pair of shorts and a shirt because he couldn't find any before we left.

Nothing went smoothly at the first stop and I had to go buy parts within 5 minutes of getting there.  By the third stop I was worn out and it was 3PM.  Not only that, the third stop was an unexpected stop, took longer than it should have and was capped by an needless hour and a half, $112.00 delay.  Finally finished work around 7:30P and went home.

Here it gets interesting.  Emma had spent the day with Nana and Frog (more on that later) and was going to spend the night and go to church with them.  Then she changed her mind so they brought her home at around 8:00pm.  So I *inhales loudly and deeply for run on sentence* put her to bed, made sure the clothes were washed, started this blog and checked Facebook and email, interacted with all the kids, love, hugs, kisses, goodnight, I said goodnight...GO TO BED NOW!...and around 1:00am I discovered I was too tired to think...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

OK, so now I am hooked on Blogging!

That's right, who would have thought that just the act of posting my first blog would start me on a mental odyssey.  I have thought about my next blog all day.  I am sure this will wear off in time, but I am somewhat surprised by it.  Obviously I like to talk too much and I can't keep my thoughts to myself very well.  I guess that's just part of my make up.  Maybe a sinful part if not unchecked, but if directed properly, perhaps the Lord may use it for His Glory.

Now the real trick will be keeping it interesting and relevant.  I don't want to disappoint my public and my many followers.  

In my first attempt at blogging, I teased you all with a clever comment and the words "More on that later."  The comment was, and I quote: "The course of my life was dramatically changed when I discovered that saying you're a Christian really doesn't mean anything."  A real cliff hanger!

As a young man I considered myself a Christian.  This is interesting since that's kind of like claiming to be a car because you're in the garage.  My family had stopped attending church when I was 5 years old due to a conflict with a particular church environment.  They assumed that their faith, would adequately influence me toward the Lord.  

Unfortunately I knew nothing of their faith and its practices, principles or doctrines.  This didn't keep me from knowing that my parents were baptists, so I must be a baptist too.  Baptists are Christians so I was a christian.  Thus saying that you're a Christian doesn't really mean anything.

I had learned enough to have a mild fear of God and this kept me from being directly confrontational towards God.  But any true knowledge of God was speculative at best and I had largely formed my own views as seemed best to me.

   Proverbs 14
      12There is a way which seems right to a man,
         But its end is the way of death. 

I was traveling my own path and unwittingly following the way of all flesh.  I was making up my own belief system that had nothing to do with any reality but my own...and it wasn't working.

More on that later...

Friday, May 14, 2010

First Blog Ever!

OK, so I have never blogged before, and I am full of questions and curiosity. Will anyone follow this, and do my thoughts matter to the general public?  Can I really share things of a personal nature and bless those who read it?  Am I creative enough to pull this off and can I post often enough to keep you interested?  Well, can I?  

I guess that remains to be seen. I will give it my best effort and we will see where we end up.  Follow and comment and guide me with feedback and we will go down this road together.

I guess some background is in order.  I am a Christian.  The course of my life was dramatically changed when I discovered that saying you're a Christian really doesn't mean anything.  More on that later.  Being a Christian has meant that the decisions I have made and the choices I have made brought me to a place in life I did not anticipate when I was a youth.  Hence the Five Kids mentioned in the title.  I never planned on having five kids even though I always wanted children.  

One key chapter in Psalms changed my plans in this regard. 

Psalm 127
    1Unless the LORD builds the house,
         They labor in vain who build it;
         Unless the LORD 
guards the city,
         The watchman keeps awake in vain.
2It is vain for you to rise up early,
         To retire late,
eat the bread of painful labors;
         For He gives to His 
beloved even in his sleep.
3Behold, children are a gift of the LORD,
fruit of the womb is a reward.
4Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
         So are the children of one's youth.
5How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them;
They will not be ashamed
         When they 
speak with their enemies in the gate.

If My children are a blessing from God designed just for me, and He promises to provide for my needs, who am I to tell God that I don't want His blessings?

Now if that doesn't inspire some comments I am no judge of my fellow man.  Lets see what happens now...

Remember this is a marathon blog. I have just begun the stretching exercises.